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Discover What Benefits Different Kinds Of Pool Filtration Systems Have To Offer

By Tammie Caldwell

Central to the efficient operation of a swimming pool, a filter is necessary when it comes to keeping the water clear and safe to swim in. Debris which collects in and on the water is removed through one of several filtering processes, reducing conditions which promote the growth of algae and bacteria. Whether one has an above-ground or inground pool, there are three main types of pool filtration systems, and each comes with certain advantages.

The entire volume of water contained in a swimming pool normally passes through the filter a few times each day. While the exact filtration mechanism can differ from one type to the next, all filters serve the function of accepting pumped in "dirty" water into a barrier which removes particles of debris. The cost, amount of maintenance required, and advantages each provides differ.

Together, the filter and pump work to keep the water clean and clear. The pump forces water into the filter where the impurities are removed, then it returns the clean water back into circulation the pool. A high-quality filtration system will last for many years and can help keep the time and money spent on maintenance and operation down. There are three types of filters: sand, cartridge, and diatomaceous earth or DE filters, all of which can be used with both inground and above-ground pools.

Most common are the sand filters. They work by filtering water through a bed of sand contained within them, which is capable of trapping debris measuring20 microns. Cleaning is easy, all that's needed is to run water through them in the reverse direction. The sand substrate doesn't need replacing for several years in most cases. The fact that they are economically priced and easy to use, makes them a top choice.

Also scoring high in terms of low maintenance, ease of use, and cost, is the cartridge filter. A replaceable cartridge element is responsible for filtering out particles as tiny as 10 to 15 microns in size. They have the advantage of being reasonably priced, and can simply be cleaned out with a garden hose, or using a filter cartridge cleaner. They must be replaced every swimming season in most cases.

DE or diatomaceous earth filter systems offer the ultimate in speed and efficiency. They can eliminate the very smallest particles of debris which are only 3 to 5 microns in size, and work quickly to produce crystal clear water. The substrate contained within them, known as diatomaceous earth, is a porous, natural rock sediment which has been ground into powder. While typically more expensive, this approach does offer superior results.

Independent of the type of filter one selects, it is best to ensure that it has a larger capacity than the recommended minimum. This will mean less frequent cleanings are needed. A design with minimal pumping action is also desirable, since this means money saved on the monthly power bill.

The system one prefers depends on their personal priorities mostly. Those who are mainly concerned with the clarity of the water, should go with a DE filter style. While those who value simple operation and minimal maintenance, may prefer a sand or cartridge type of filter.

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  1. That's really useful and helpful post. Every pool owner should aware of the pool filtration system as it helps further. Filter cartridge is a very crucial pool filtration system that removes debris from the water. Make sure you will keep it well maintained, replace, when it's needed.

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